Construction Services

The Truth About Steel Buildings

Steel Buildings Oklahoma are a modern alternative to traditional construction materials. They combine the design and aesthetic flexibility of a metal building with the structural integrity of concrete.

Steel Buildings

Frame columns are installed vertically into concrete foundations and connect to eave rafters above. The eave rafters are steel components that hold the roof in place and support wall panels.

As a construction material, steel is incredibly versatile. It’s used in a wide range of building applications, including commercial and industrial facilities. It’s also a popular choice for residential use. There are many misconceptions about steel buildings, but it’s important to separate the truth from the fiction when making decisions for your next project.

The first major point of versatility is the fact that pre-engineered metal buildings can come in a variety of sizes. In fact, some frames can reach up to 480′-which is three times the width of an NFL football field! This means that you don’t have to worry about the length of your new structure being limited by what is available on your property.

Another great aspect of the versatility of steel buildings is that they are able to withstand a variety of weather conditions. This includes earthquakes, lightning strikes, high winds and heavy snowfall. Steel is one of the strongest materials on earth, so it’s no wonder that it can withstand such harsh conditions.

In addition, most steel structures are pest-resistant, meaning that you won’t have to worry about termites or mold growing in your structure. This is a huge benefit that will save you money on maintenance and other related costs.

A lot of people may not consider that steel is a versatile construction material when it comes to visual appearance. However, modern steel buildings are designed with a variety of different architectural styles in mind. They can be both attractive and functional, and they can accentuate the beauty of your property. They’re perfect for those who want a unique building that will stand out from the rest of the neighborhood.


Steel buildings have a reputation for durability, longevity and resistance to various forms of degradation. This makes them an excellent choice for long-term use, especially in regions with unpredictable weather conditions and natural disasters. However, many people have questions about what specifically contributes to the impressive lifespan of a steel building.

One of the most important factors is the quality of the materials used in a steel building. High-quality, corrosion-resistant steel is available in a variety of thicknesses and lengths to suit any construction project. It is also lightweight compared to other traditional building materials, allowing for longer spans and open-plan spaces.

Another factor is the engineering precision involved in a steel building’s construction. This precision enhances the structural integrity of the building, which in turn helps it to withstand stress and pressure. It also allows for the building to be adapted easily to accommodate changes in needs, which can eliminate the need for premature replacements and contribute to the longevity of the structure.

Durability is further enhanced by the fact that steel buildings don’t contract or expand with moisture content, a major cause of deterioration in concrete structures. They are also pest-resistant, meaning that they can avoid the costly issues associated with termite invasions in wood buildings.

When you take all these factors into account, it’s easy to see why steel buildings have a renowned longevity. They are an excellent choice for commercial, industrial, and residential construction, and can be easily adapted to fit your specific requirements. However, you should always consider the potential limitations of steel buildings in residential use due to local codes and homeowner association rules. If you are interested in investing in a steel building, make sure to consult with a professional who can help you decide whether this option is right for you.


In a world of unpredictable weather, it’s important to have a building that can stand up to the elements. Metal buildings are a reliable choice that offer superior performance and durability. They can withstand the harshest of storms and even earthquakes. This is a big reason why many businesses choose to invest in a pre-engineered steel building. This is an economical option that can be used to store equipment, manufacture products, or warehouse goods.

Steel is a ductile material that can bend without breaking and is also extremely resilient against the elements. It is able to endure high winds, thunderstorms, and seasonal changes. Metal buildings can withstand sand storms, heavy snowfall, and powerful rains. They are also fire-proof and highly resistant against lightning strikes.

When it comes to building reliability, there is nothing quite like a steel structure. Unlike wood or other materials, steel can stand up to extreme weather conditions and still look beautiful years after it was built. Additionally, it is less prone to rust and corrosion, which means you can save money on maintenance and repairs.

Another factor that contributes to steel building reliability is their speedy construction process. Compared to traditional wooden structures, steel buildings can be erected in just a few weeks. This is because most of the components are pre-manufactured and are ready to be welded together on site. This makes the entire construction process a lot faster and allows for a quicker occupancy time. Moreover, the simplified design of a pre-engineered metal building reduces the overall cost of the project.

Energy Efficiency

Steel is a strong and durable material that can stand up to almost anything. It’s also very energy efficient when used in a steel building. This means that the building will be able to better control its temperature, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, and saving the owner money on energy costs.

In addition to energy efficiency, steel buildings are environmentally friendly. This is because most of the steel used in construction comes from recycled sources, which reduces the amount of raw materials that need to be mined. It’s also recyclable, so it can be reused for future projects without losing its strength and durability.

Another aspect of the green-friendly nature of steel buildings is that they can be made with more windows, allowing more natural light to enter the building and further cutting down on energy costs. In addition, most steel structures can be fitted with high R-value insulation, making them even more energy efficient.

Lastly, a steel building can withstand most extreme weather conditions. Steel is a resistant material that will not warp or rot like wood, so it can resist the effects of changes in the environment. Additionally, the straight framing often used in steel buildings will prevent sagging over time, which can significantly cut down on energy costs.

All of these features make a steel building an appealing option for anyone looking to build a commercial space. However, it’s important to remember that your building will only be as energy-efficient as the insulation and other components used in it. To ensure your building is energy-efficient, it’s best to work with a team that knows how to use and install metal building components correctly.


It would be nice if a steel building was a hands-off structure that required very little maintenance, but unfortunately this isn’t the case. Rust, mold, and other problems can easily snowball if not caught early on. That’s why it’s important to make routine inspections of your metal storage or garage building.

A few key areas to look for are ground settlement, trees and bushes too close to the building, rodent activity, insulation damage, and water and air leaks. A visual check is the best way to see if there are any issues that should be addressed.

During the inspection, you should also make sure there are no loose screws or connections that need tightening. The natural expansion and contraction of building materials during weather changes can cause loose screws that may let in the elements.

If there are any cracks in the wall or roof, seal them as soon as possible. This will prevent moisture and air from damaging the interior walls and ceilings.

It’s also a good idea to clean the exterior of your steel building every few months. Dirt and grime build up over time, causing abrasions that can cause rust or mold if not addressed. You should also oil the hinges on any doors or windows that open and close frequently to ensure they move smoothly. Finally, check the drainage pipe to ensure it is clear of any blockages or intermediates that could allow water to back up into the building. This can cause water to seep through the walls, causing rust and mold. A drainpipe that is clear can easily be fixed by a plumber, but a blocked one will require a professional to clean and repair it.

Construction Services

What Is Masonry?

Colorado Springs Masonry is a construction method that uses bricks, concrete blocks, stones, and structural clay tile held together with mortar. The mortar used in masonry is not a cement mix; it contains lime, sand, and gypsum in the proper proportions.

The specific materials used in masonry contribute to its strength, energy efficiency, fire resistance, and aesthetics. Contact us today to learn how masonry will factor into your next project!

Masonry is the art of building with stones, bricks, concrete blocks, or similar materials. Construction of buildings, retaining walls, and monuments are all examples of masonry work. While brick is the most common material used in masonry, other materials such as stone, clay, or even poured concrete are also commonly utilized. In addition to its beauty, masonry provides many practical benefits, such as insulation, sound reduction, and fire resistance.

While masonry has been used for thousands of years, the craft continues to evolve. Some of the earliest works were simple: stacked stones with mud or cement to bind them together. Over time, the use of mortar became more sophisticated, and masons began to develop more precise tools and techniques for shaping and cutting stone.

As masonry expanded, it was often used to build religious monuments and other structures. The ancient Egyptians were master masons, creating wonders like the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. The Romans were also adept masons, constructing the Colosseum, an amphitheater that could seat up to 50,000 spectators.

With the rise of scientific structural analysis in the 16th century and the development of high-tensile strength materials like steel and reinforced concrete in the 19th century, the popularity of masonry as a means of spanning space declined. However, the introduction of Portland cement in the 20th century returned masonry to its pre-Roman role of forming vertical wall enclosures and partitions.

Today, masonry is still an integral part of our society. It is used in office buildings, schools, homes, patios, and fireplaces. Masonry is an art and a science, but it is also a philosophy that promotes freedom and a limited role for government.

Masonry can be built with a variety of materials. Brick, concrete blocks, stone, and wood are all popular choices. Each material has unique advantages, but each provides strength, durability, and an attractive aesthetic to any building.

Brick masonry is less expensive than other options and can be used in various finishes to create an appealing look. Its thick walls provide excellent thermal insulation, which reduces energy costs in the home. Its classic aesthetic is also a favorite among many homeowners, and it is available in various colors to create distinctive styles and designs.

Concrete block masonry is an affordable option that offers the strength of concrete and the flexibility of precast panels, making it a cost-effective alternative to poured walls. It is also durable and resistant to fires, adverse weather conditions, and time.

Mortar is a mix of Portland cement and sand used to bed masonry units, such as brick, concrete block, or stone. Traditional mortar includes lime, which helps it work well with soft bricks, but modern mortars are available without lime and in several formulations to suit different types of masonry units.

Stone is a natural material that adds beauty and timeless elegance to any building. Its longevity and strength have been proven over the centuries, and it is an excellent insulator, keeping homes cooler in summer and warmer in winter. It is also extremely durable and can withstand wind, rain, and earthquakes. When using stone in a masonry project, check the quality of the stones for defects such as cracks, dents, and discoloration. Also, the wooden door and window frames must be free from cracks, shakes, sapwood, and dead knots before they are fixed into the masonry.

Masonry construction offers great flexibility for architects, designers, and engineers. Brick walls, for example, may be load-bearing or non-load-bearing and glazed or unglazed. Concrete blocks, most of which have hollow cores, offer various possibilities in masonry construction, providing great compressive strength (for vertical loads) and much greater tensile and lateral strength to structures when filled with concrete or steel reinforcement (typically called rebar).

To verify the strengths of masonry assemblies, designers can use either a method that tests prisms (either constructed at the job site or taken from existing masonry) to evaluate the compressive strength of individual units or the Unit Strength Method, which uses tables to determine assembly compressive strength based on the strength of the masonry unit and type of mortar. The Unit Strength Method has been the preferred design method for decades because it is a relatively quick and simple way to qualify a masonry assembly’s strength.

The flexural tensile strength of masonry varies depending on the direction of span, bond pattern, and percentage of grouting; the nominal value for unreinforced masonry is set at 250 psi (1720 kPa). In contrast, the code conservatively assumes that stack bond masonry has no flexural tensile strength in the face shell. The masonry shear capacity for grouted or ungrouted walls differs by only half if a rigorous cracked section analysis is performed.

Strength design requires that the deflections of masonry elements designed using this method be based on the cracking behavior of uncracked sections; however, if weld or mechanical splices are incorporated into the component being prepared, they must comply with Section 2108.3 of the International Building Code (IBC). Welded splices must have their ductility developed to at least 1/12 of the nominal yield strength of the reinforcement being spliced.

Masonry is a construction method that uses brick, stone, and concrete blocks to create buildings and structures. This type of construction is durable and offers many aesthetic benefits. It also has a low maintenance cost and is environmentally friendly.

Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy dealing with notions such as the beautiful, the ugly, and the sublime. The term is also used in the fine arts, particularly painting and sculpture, and to a theory of beauty and taste. Aesthetics is sometimes considered a subfield of philosophy or even theology.

Traditionally, philosophical reflection on the concept of the aesthetic has focused on notions such as “graceful,” “elegant,” “exquisite,” and “sublime.” These are often considered pure aesthetic qualities. However, these thoughts have given way to more expansive considerations of a more general sort.

These more expansive and controversial thoughts are characterized by the idea that an object can be regarded as aesthetically pleasing or pleasing in some sense without having any of these pure aesthetic qualities. They may instead be deemed based on intellectual opinions, desires, will, culture, values, subconscious behavior, conscious decision, training, instinct, or sociological institutions.

These more general considerations have led to a wide range of different theories of the aesthetic. One example is New Critical Thinking, popularized by writers such as William K. Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley in their 1946 essay “The Intentional Fallacy.” New Critical thinkers argued that the author’s intended meaning of a literary work was irrelevant to its evaluation. Instead, they argued that the text was an autonomous entity capable of generating meanings. This theory of the aesthetic is a key part of many modern art movements.

Masonry structures are durable, but that doesn’t mean they are unaffected by environmental wear and tear. Masonry buildings can suffer from water damage and degradation of the mortar that holds them together, so it’s important to schedule regular inspections and maintenance work.

The first step in assessing masonry structures is visually inspecting the brickwork. Look for signs of weathering, such as deteriorated or missing mortar joints and damp walls. Inspect for cracks in a building’s masonry, too, since these are a sign of moisture infiltration that could lead to structural problems.

While a building’s mortar may deteriorate over time, tuckpointing can restore it. During this process, a masonry expert replaces the old mortar with new material, restoring the appearance and strength of the structure’s mortar joints. When tuckpointing on historic buildings, use mortar that matches the original material. For example, if a building was built with soft brick and soft mortar, using hard mortar will cause spalling and breakage.

Other preventative maintenance measures include regularly cleaning a masonry structure with a mild detergent to remove dirt and grime. If a structure has a brick exterior, it is a good idea to install gutters and downspouts to direct the flow of rainwater away from the foundation. Finally, removing overgrown vegetation and ensuring plant growth is at least 20 feet away from the masonry will help reduce the risk of moisture infiltration.

Consider installing control joints in a brick or stone wall to reduce the movement in a building’s masonry walls. These joints can be created by saw-cutting through the head joint of a vertical masonry unit and are spaced at a maximum distance of one mortar joint width from the base of the building.

Construction Services

Why Buy a Boat Lift?

Anything that stays in the water year-round will be damaged by corrosion and natural elements. This wear and tear diminishes performance, value, and lifespan.

Boat Lift

Getting the most life out of your investment means protecting it from the elements and avoiding damage. The best way to do this is with Boat Lifts For Sale Near Me.

Boats are made for water, but when parked at the dock, it becomes a battleground between marine growth and wind and waves that batter the hull. This constant assault can cause serious damage to the appearance of your boat and can make the underlying metal vulnerable to corrosion. A boat lift keeps your boat out of the way of the elements and protects it from the wear and tear that would otherwise be inevitable.

Many people who don’t have a boat lift simply tie their boat to the dock but this can lead to a number of problems. Without the support of a lift, the boat can move around in storage and knock against the dock which can result in scrapes and dents. Rough waters and changing water levels can also cause damage when the boat moves in and out of the water.

With a lift, you can keep your boat out of the water and away from these dangers and save money in the long run. Not only do you save on repairs and maintenance, but your boat will last longer which will add value to your investment.

Another way that a boat lift prevents damage is by making it easier to board and disembark from the vessel. If your boat is bobbing in the water it can be hard to control and difficult to safely board. A boat lift will put your boat right at dock level which makes boarding and disembarking a much simpler task.

There are a variety of boat lifts on the market that will meet your needs. One popular option is the elevator lift which has a configuration that looks like two or more forklift-like arms. This lift is very easy to use and is a great choice for locations with narrow canals or other restricted spaces where the conventional lift won’t fit.

There are also conventional lifts that feature a set of pilings with a motorized system that raises and lowers the boat. These lifts are a good choice for areas with calm water as they will create less stress on the dock, the boat and the lift system. The best thing to do is to find a lift that fits your needs and then have it professionally installed by a qualified technician.

Allows Hull to Air Out

Whether it’s a pontoon, catamaran, bass boat, vintage Chris craft, or new personal watercraft a boat lift is the best way to protect your number one investment. It helps keep your vessel clean and free of algae that can reduce top end speed, increase fuel economy and adds a layer of protection against the corrosion of metal components like the propellers, hull, and other machinery.

Rough weather and strong winds can do serious damage to moored boats and docks and cause a lot of stress on marine structures. Using a boat lift is the best way to prevent damage to your vessel and to other marine structures by keeping the watercraft or yacht out of the water and protected from harsh conditions.

Another benefit of having a boat lift is that it keeps the boat out of the water when not in use which can also prevent fouling and marine growth. Barnacles, mussels, and other types of marine growth can cause a lot of problems for your vessel including performance issues and fuel inefficiency. By preventing the boat from coming in contact with salt water when not in use, you can prolong the life of your vessel and also help to prevent corrosion of metal components.

There are a few different types of boat lifts available and it is important to choose the right one for your specific needs. For example, if you are in an area that experiences rough weather, you will need to choose a lift with extra strength and bracing to ensure that it can withstand the pressure of the waves and wind. Likewise, if you are in an area with fluctuating water levels then an elevator lift may be the best option because it can adjust to these changes and prevent your boat from touching the seafloor which could damage it.

Floating lifts are another great option for areas with a hard bottom because they can be mounted on a seawall or pilings instead of being attached to a dock. They work by floating on air-filled tanks that sink when the lift is being operated and then fill with air when you want to raise the boat. This type of lift does not put any pressure on the dock, pilings or seawall and is a very durable and affordable choice.

Prevents Water Absorption

A boat that sits in the water year-round will absorb a lot of moisture. This can lead to hull blisters, deteriorating paint jobs and other issues that will require time and money to fix or address. By keeping your vessel on a lift and out of the water when you aren’t using it, your boat will last much longer with fewer problems.

Aside from preventing damage to your boat, a boat lift offers several other benefits. If you live in a location that experiences a lot of weather-related activity, a boat lift will protect your boat from waves and other debris. It will also reduce the amount of scrubbing, washing and repainting you need to do to maintain your boat’s appearance. Additionally, a boat lifted at the shoreline can help to prevent the build-up of algae and scum on your boat’s surface, which will lead to detrimental corrosion.

Many types of boat lifts are available for sale, and you can easily find one that will fit your needs and budget. For example, if your location experiences a lot of fluctuation in water depth, you might want to consider a float riser lift. These lifts are designed to rise and fall as the water level changes, so you will always have access to your boat.

Another great option is a four or eight pile beamed cradle boat lift. These lifts use two parallel beams at the top of each post with a motor driven shaft running all the way through them and connected to a cradle that your boat is stored on. Cables wind around the two shafts on each side of the cradle clockwise or counter clockwise to raise and lower the cradle and your boat.

If you don’t have a boat lift, you would have to trailer your boat to the water’s edge or fight for parking spots in a marina to get on and off of your vessel. However, if you have a boat lift right at your dock, you can simply pull your boat onto it and be ready to go in a matter of minutes. This is an incredibly convenient option and will save you a lot of time, hassle and energy in the long run.

Saves You Time

A boat lift is a very user-friendly system that allows you to easily move your watercraft in and out of the water. This allows you to save time by eliminating the need for tying and untying boats bumpers and dock lines each time it is time to go out on the water. Also, it eliminates the need for hauling and storing your boat trailer when not in use.

Besides saving you time, a Boat lift also saves money on storage fees and maintenance costs. It keeps your watercraft out of the water when it isn’t in use which greatly reduces rust, corrosion, algae, and moss build-up. This can extend the life of your boat and protect it from other unforeseen problems like hull blisters.

Corrosion on a boat is a major problem that can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs and decrease its value at resale. A Boat lift keeps your boat out of the water when it’s not in use, preventing corrosive materials from building up on the bottom of your boat and keeping it in good shape.

Another benefit of a Boat lift is that it makes boarding and disembarking the boat much easier than when wet-stored. This is especially true when you have partygoers who are a little too drunk to get on and off the boat themselves.

In addition, a Boat lift also protects your watercraft from changing water levels and bad weather conditions. Fluctuating water levels can cause damage to the hull of your boat, and bad weather conditions can lead to abrasions and other issues. Having your boat on a lift can help to reduce these damaging effects by keeping it out of the water and away from the waves and wind.

If you are considering a boat lift, we recommend doing your research and finding out which type of lift is best for your watercraft and the area you live in. There are a number of different types of boat lifts including cantilever, vertical and elevator. If you are living in an area with rough weather, we would suggest a 4-post conventional lift because it can withstand the strongest winds and is a great choice for areas with changing water depths.